Saturday, April 10, 2010

Take me out to the ballgame!!

Looking for something fun to do this year? Put on your jersey and head downtown to Huntington Park to watch the Clippers play. In their sophomore season in Huntington Park the Clippers have put together some dining. City BBQ, Roosters, and Bob Evans all share space at the venue but I thought I would try some traditional ballgame fare.

Located on each deck is some form of food. Bob Evans and Roosters share the deep left field while City BBQ is way out in right field. I chose Curveball Carvings located behind home plate. A nice array of sandwiches and sides, I went for some stadium favorites. (Most Carving stations have daily specials including roast beef and potatoes some nights)

My first sampling was the Italian sausage. This was moderately priced (we are at a ball game) at $4.50 and for another $0.75 added a pile of grilled peppers and onions. The Youngstowner in me was not disappointed. Though not too spicy, the flavors were full and the sausage was tasty with a nice crisp outer skin the only letdown was it is served in a hotdog bun.
My second taste was the bratworst sandwich (again $4.50). This was offered with sauerkraut but I chose the stadium mustard and onions available at the condiment station. Again a good sandwich except the hotdog bun.

To finish off my stadium dinner I chose the funnel fries. Skeptical at first I was in love with these tasty fries as I watched Columbus spank Indy. These are basically funnel cakes in french fry form deep fried and touched with powdered sugar!!! Piping hot, they are a wonderful treat but becareful taking them back to your seat as I found your neighbors will want to taste them repeatedly.
Overall I was not disappointed in Opening Night's food. I had great seats, watched a great game and had some really good ball park food that didn't break the bank. I thought I was going to miss the Coop but Huntington is where it's at. It's like a giant party with a baseball game in the center.
330 Huntington Park Lane
Columbus Ohio
614 462 2757

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